Thursday, January 29, 2009

23 things....the fourth: RSS

RSS feeds are appropriately named as they can fill the great maw of the Mythical Virtual Beast of the Unguarded Inbox, until one finally surrenders, acknowledging defeat and reaching for the Delete Key followed by the button that says "Unsubscribe"

Yes, the applications are many, and just think how thrilled our library patrons would be if they could have a daily nanosecond by nanosecond feed that would alert them the very instant a New DVD was cataloged and let loose for patrons to put on hold. Yes, they would be like virtual DVD vultures, hovering over their alerts, so they could be the very first to place the item on hold.

I won't go on to say what happened when I tried the RSS feeds of a library which shall remained unnamed. Let's just say I was underwhelmed when "new at your library" linked me to a static poster of a single event. So I would say before you subscribe to anything, assess the worth of its contribution to your life in terms of the time you spend on it and choose wisely.

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should"

-The Darwin Awards

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