Thursday, February 19, 2009

23 things..the 10th: tags and social bookmarking

The best feature of delicious is that you can move to any computer and your bookmarks are accessible. Nice if you would like to access those on your home computer from other locations. If you are working on a research project and simply want to direct others to useful sites you have found, so they skip searching for them, that's efficient. I am sure with some thought, library staff could use them for assignment queries that come up but are ephemeral in nature, so that staff efforts are transparent to all.

Tags are useful but are like personal filing systems in that not everyone files items in the same way. Tags can become as unmanageble and useless as all those physical file folders you made and don't remember what you put in them as in "did I file that in "banks" or "finance"?? In order for tags to be useful, you have to have a clear idea of what they will be used for. For example, photos that are tagged "staff" could number in the thousands, however photos that are tagged "staff" and "children's programs" might make an easier search of it.
What shall we tag this one?? How about "Bear Lodge" which was the Native American name before it became known as "Devil's Tower" and the aliens landed there.

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