Sunday, May 31, 2009

The 19th thing: More Social networks

If you would like to join the herd, wherever it is headed, you can find a social network that will appeal. No doubt about it...from baking to bonding, it's all there....most with way too much self-important sounding commentary and way too little information.

Yep, that's the herd factor.....not much direction, but hey, let's all go anyway, there might be something there.

Munch and moo and a whole lot of cow patties down on the virtual farms.

The 18th Thing: MySpace and Facebook

Libraries are finding their way to social networking sites to play to the demographics they represent. An example is Jax Public Library teen page. The thinking is that teens already using social networking will find their library info accessible on these sites and perhaps be more participatory.
The challenge for libraries outside of content is site maintainance, if it has to be paid staff doing it.
Personally, I have tried both sites mentioned but do not care to have a presence on these type of sites at this time. But for those who like to have a door open to their personal and professional lives at all times and invite people in, good for them. I do think it was a comedown for Facebook to drop their edu requirement. It was a better site with only college membership.
And as for My Space....I can't say how many times I have witnessed 15 year olds pretending to be 23 on My Space and 14 year olds looking at booty shots on Urban Chat, thanks to the library.
You better be careful who you choose as friends.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The 17th Thing: Pod casts

I looked in the podcast directories that were presented. I'm not sure how useful many of these are, outside of the news casts, assuming you want to eternally be in the newsloop, but some are mildly entertaining with varying quality. Once again, this seems to be dominated by commercial and professional producers, and CNN, PBS and sports seem to dominate the "most viewed category"
I suppose if you were out on a trail like the one pictured here, and really had a desire to get your newsfix, you might be able to be podicated on your Ipod or MP3 player. But why would one even want that? If however, you were in some boring and purposeless staff meeting, a podcast might be just the thing to transport you to a better place more deserving of your attention.
Ill try to get a podcast here later. Before I download any additional software, I need to query some knowledgeable sources about what would be best.

Thing 16 You Tube

I chose Matt Dancing because a coworker sent it to me and I thought it shows how a clever person can get a dream job by imaginatively using YouTube